A project of CASHCOW, the
Center for the Advanced Study of Huge Corporations On Welfare
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What is MOCOW?

The DisneyHole

Rides and Games


Press room


Fun Facts


Transgender, trans-species, transnational, transporting you to a better world where The Magic Comes From You, it's MOCOW mascot Mickee Moos!

Mickee will greet visitors to MOCOW, answer questions, and, who knows? maybe ask some questions too! Whether pointing you to the restrooms or engaging you in a spirited debate about the nature of true democracy, Mickee is a mocow (mouse/cow) who just won't quit!

>What is MOCOW? | The DisneyHole | Rides and Games | Financial | Press room | Links | Fun Facts | HOME
"Cooperation between the state and corporations is the very essence of fascism." Benito Mussolini